Friday, June 6, 2008



The Cmmander of the ISF, Brigadier James Baker, said he was concerned with the ongoing level of speculation raised in the Timor-Leste media about the February 11 attacks on President Horta an Prime Minister Gusmao. "In recent times, I have read several articles about the ISF which have no basis in fact,"Brigadier Baker said. "Circulating rumors increses the instability and uncertainty amongst the wider community. Rumours also have the potential to interfere with the formal investigative processes being undertaken in relation to the Feb 11 attacks. "All of the security organisations wihin the country, including the ISF, are working together to bring those involved before he Timor Leste justice system. "Brigadier Baker aid that any member of Timor's media could approach the ISF if they had any issue or queries insted of speaking about the ISF in the media withoutclarification. :It is important that the right information is circulated - not rumours which make the community concerned. It is now time for this unhelpful speculation to stop. " Brigadier Baker said that since the Feb 11 attacks, the ISF, joint Command and UNPOL had cooperated very well and had coordinated their operations in an open manner - all working towards achieving a common goal.

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