Saturday, November 1, 2008


August 20 1975 – August 20 2008

Day of the armed force for the national Liberation of Timor-Leste (FALINTIL)


Among others, there colourfully dressed young Timorese women graced the scene at the Thursday night meeting of the Rotary Club of Dili on 17th July. All three had previously experience as Rotary Youth Exchange Program (YEP) students as the guests of Rotary Clubs is Brazil. The three were Elisabeth Moniz, Sandra “Cindy” Mendonca and Gizela Mesquita. All were wearing their Rotary student blazers, traditionally festooned with badges and other memorabilia picked up by them during their travels abroad. “Cindy” was in Sao Paulo, Brazil during 2006, while Elisabeth and Gizela were there during 2007. One of the many comments they all makes is “Thank you Rotary, the experience opened my mind and changed my life” and the rotary Club of Dili is very proud of their involvement.

The setting for the occasion was the grounds of the Prime Minister’s family residence for the induction of mrs. Kirsty Sword Gusmao, as an Honorary Member of the Rotary Club of Dili, with the specific function of being an Ambassador for Rotary in Timor-Leste.

Following the return from her 2006 YEP year in Sao Paulo, Brazil “Cindy” Mendonca has achieved a good position in the RDTL Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Elisabeth, who was in Brazil during the same year is now an interpreter with the UN Serious Crimes Investigation team. In 2007 we had only one, Gizela Mesquita, who found her second home in Sao Paulo, Brazil. She has only just returned from Brazil and is looking to continue her studies as university. This year we have only Fernando Amaral with a Rotary family in Florida, USA and he has just finished his initial Rotary tour of the State. For next year we have two positions, and two young men have already been selected to participate in the YEP year in Brazil. The first YEP student from Timor-Leste was Liga da Costa Santos, who went to Sao Paulo, Brazil in 2005. Liga is now working with the IOM.

In the Rotary Youth Exchange Program students are selected from a number of nominees between the ages of 16-18 years, who have completed their Grade 12 of secondary schooling. Those selected initially participate in a week orientation program in Australia, after which at the beginning of the following year they proceed as “Outbounds” to various countries around the world. Over the last 4 years The Rotary Club of Dili has been fortunate enough, through the generosity of our Rotary District together with Rotary District in Brazil, principally around Sao Paulo, to be able to participate in this program and has selected 1 or 2 students each year since 2005. The student live with one or two host Rotary families for the year and attend the final year of secondary school again, but this time in Brazil and using the Portuguese language. After the year’s experience they return to Timor-Leste and become familiarly known as “Rebounds”!

Saturday, August 30, 2008


Under a nice clear sky, with a full moon, overseeing the ceremony, the first lady of Timor-Leste, Kirsty Sword Gusmao was inducted as an Honorary Member of Rotary Club of Dili on 17th July. The occasion was a regular meeting of the Club, but with a difference , because by invitation the meeting was conducted in the grounds of the Prime Minister and Mrs. Gusmao’s residence in Dili. Club President Tricia Johns chaired the induction ceremony in the prensence of some 50 Rotarians, and Guests. Those present included a number of visiting Rotarians from Australia, as well as some of the younger members of the Rotarian movement in Timor-Leste who form the Rotaract Club of Dili. In her regular international travels on behalf of various charitable organizations in Timor-Leste, Kirsty sword Gusmao can now also speak o behalf of The Rotary Club of Dili, as its Ambassador. This will further the awareness among others, of the needs of many in the Timorese community, and thus have other Clubs and organizations commit funds for the improvement, especially of health and educational facilities, within the urban and rural communities of Timor-Leste.

The Rotary Clubs of Dili has been in existence since the year 2000, and now has a good mix of both Timorese and Foreign National membership. Since 2000 the Club has managed funds provided by various other Clubs around the world to enhance the welfare of various communities throughout Timor-Leste. Although most of the funding has come from Rotary Clubs in Australia, other Clubs from as far a field as the USA, Great Britain, Norway, Portugal, The Netherlands, and Japan have made substantial contributions throughout the years. Though the generosity of others the Club has also been able to fund scholarships and prolonged educational experiences for many young Timorese men and women. The Rotary Clubs of Dili currently meets every Thursday night, at the Hotel Timor, with fellowship from 6pm for a seated meeting with dinner commencing at 6.30pm. Visitors, and especially visiting Rotarians from other lands are always welcome.

Rotary is an organization of business and professional persons united worldwide, who provide Humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations and help build goodwill and peace in the world. The motto of Rotary is “ Service Above Self” and all members are expected to honour that the principles of the motto, but not to the detriment of their own personal employment positions or of their families. By convention he subjects of politics and religion are not discussed in Rotary.

East Timorese in Royal Military College at Duntroon Australia

Australia is committed to Timor Leste’s Defence Force Training.

(From the Hon. Joel Fitzgibbon, Minister of Defence of Australia). Two Timorese officers graduated from the Royal Military College at Duntroon on 24 June as part of an ongoing program by Autralia to provide high quality training to the Timor-Leste Defence Force. Alferes (2nd LT) Francisco Da Silva and Alferes (2nd LT) Helio Da Costa have both completed a range of Australian training to bring them to this point. Both have completed English language programs in Timor-Leste and Australia and 2nd LT Da Silva completed the Defence sponsored English language Course at Charles Darwin University. Both officiers are set to complete more detailed specialist training in Australia in Engineering and Logistics respectively, before returning to Timor-Leste to pass on their skills and lead the men and women of the Timorese Defence Force. The Graduation of Timorese officiers highlights statements made by the minister for Defence, the Hon. Joel Fitzgibbon MP in Parliament on 23 June where he reiterated Australia’s enduring commitment to develop the Timorese Defence Force. “Helping to build a solid, well trained and apolitical Defence Force for Timir-Leste is one way that my Department can create the conditions necessary for stability to take hold and for democracy and prosperity to flourish,” mr. Fitzgibbon said. By Australian Embassy

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Jackie Chan, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador.

Mr. Jackie Chan visited Timor Leste on 24-26 June 2008 to meet and interact with young people, from across the country, including leaders of the popular martial arts groups, to listen to their concerns and hopes for the future, bringing a message of discipline, respect and unity.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

'Japan Give Donation to Timor-Leste'

Government of Japan donates US$1 million to help address children and women's health in Timor-Leste

The Government of Japan donated over US$ 1 million to UNICEF to procure essential drugs and equipment for immunization and to help
implement nutrition and health programmes for children and womwn of Timor-Leste. The donation was marked through a signing of the exchanges of Notes between the Government of Japan and UNICEF last Tuesday, 4 March 2008 with H. E Mr. Nelson Martins, Minister of Health, as witness. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan H.Emr. Kenji himizu, representing the Government of Japan in the signing ceremonies, noted that this donation will be used to purchase helath supplies and equipment for mmunization and critical nutrition activities and maternal care programmes. Part of the funds will also cover the trainingof health staff on child and maternal health and nutrition. Mr. Jun Kukita in acceptingthe donation expressed his sincere gratitude for thecontinued support of the Government of Japan. Since 2002, the Gvernment of apan has provided overUS $ 6.2 to help immunize children underone year of age and their mothers and to equip 65 Community health Centers withasic safe and clean health delivery services to help reduce maternal mortality. The signing ceremony was attended by the DeputySRSG Mr. Finn Reke-Nielsen, representatives from the NGOs involved with health and nutrition activities. The Vice Minister and Director-General of theMinistry of health along with the directors of the ministry were all present to witness the event. Dili, March 2008

Friday, June 6, 2008

Salshina in Custody

On the 29th April, a dozen armed fugitefes including Gastao Salshina, (seated left in photo) wanted in connection with the
attacks of 11th february formally handed themselves in to the authorities.

President Ramos Horta

President Ramos Horta was wounded in as shooting attack on february 11 by rebel soldiers. He spent two months in Australia undergoing medical treatment
and returned on 17th of April under tight security. In a press conference at the airport the President dismissed one of the many rumours that the morning
of the 11th was a 'meeting gone wrong.' The assailants were not invited, nor had any negotiantions ever taken place at his dweling.



The Cmmander of the ISF, Brigadier James Baker, said he was concerned with the ongoing level of speculation raised in the Timor-Leste media about the February 11 attacks on President Horta an Prime Minister Gusmao. "In recent times, I have read several articles about the ISF which have no basis in fact,"Brigadier Baker said. "Circulating rumors increses the instability and uncertainty amongst the wider community. Rumours also have the potential to interfere with the formal investigative processes being undertaken in relation to the Feb 11 attacks. "All of the security organisations wihin the country, including the ISF, are working together to bring those involved before he Timor Leste justice system. "Brigadier Baker aid that any member of Timor's media could approach the ISF if they had any issue or queries insted of speaking about the ISF in the media withoutclarification. :It is important that the right information is circulated - not rumours which make the community concerned. It is now time for this unhelpful speculation to stop. " Brigadier Baker said that since the Feb 11 attacks, the ISF, joint Command and UNPOL had cooperated very well and had coordinated their operations in an open manner - all working towards achieving a common goal.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


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